Down The TBR Hole #1

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Down_The_TBR_HoleHi everyone!
Today I’m going to join the “Down The TBR Hole” a meme by Lia @ Lost In A Story, checking 10 books on my TBR and trying to get rid of the ones I’m not going to read any time soon!

  • Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 (or even more!) if youre feeling adventurous) books. Of course, if you do this weekly, you start where you left off the last time.
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?

Since I have all the books I want to read now in the first 35 books on the shelf I’m going to start from there:


32920254Girl In Snow by Danya Kukafka

It’s a new release, but it already has 385 reviews and the rating is around 3.53. It deals with a high schooler named Lucinda Hayes that was murdered. The majority of the reviews are somehow negative. some say scenes focusing on sex. For these reasons I’m going to let it go.



6369451Twisted Wing by Ruth Newman

This book is about a girl murdered in a college (I just noticed that these are so similar.
I thought it was a mistery and now I’ve discovered it’s a psycological thriller, but it still intrigues me so I’m going to keep it



29861748Deluged by Rachana Hedge

It’s a poetry book for daydreamers and people who feel lost BASICALLY ME, no ok I’m much more than that but sometimes I feel like that. *Check rating* It has a 4.0 star rating, good! *looks for more info* I JUST DISCOVERED THAT IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE AND IT’S 18 PAGES LONG… 18!!! I’m obviously going to let it go.



25855558The Books That Changed My Life: Reflections by 100 Authors, Actors, Musicians, and Other Remarkable People by Bethanne Patrick

It’s a collection of books that changed famous people (like authors, politicians, actors, ect.) lives, I think it could be a fun read, so I’m going to keep it (I could probably find some new books for my endless tbr!)



Bee and Puppycat22092273 Vol 1 by Natasha Allegri and a bunch of other authors

It’s a fantasy graphic novel siimilar to Sailor Moon and Madok. It’s cute, girly and fun! The cover sends me steven universe vibes and I love that. I’m going to keep it! It’s too cute to let it go! oh God I’m so bad at this



23267628The Fever Code by James Dashner

It’s one of the prequels of The Maze Runner series (still waiting for the second movie ahem) and I think it’s about how the mze was made. This has been on my TBR for over 2 years I think and it’s time to… read it/ leave it I don’t know!! Ok, I’ll keep it for now but I’m surely going to move that up now, ’cause I’ve to read it soon!



24770Uglies by Scott Westerfeld

I loved this types of books 2 years ago, but now I’m not sure I’m going to love it.. But the other day, when I went at the bookstore, I saw it and it wasn’t that bad, so why not? I’m going to keep it!




29748925Strange the dreamer by Laini Taylor

It’s a fantasy YA novel and there are so many good reviews about this book! Also I there’s a young librarian in the book more 50 points to Strangethedreammindor! The cover is gorgeous so definetely going to keep it!




13579626Rooms by Lauren Oliver

It’s a paranormal fantasy afult book and I probably. msarkedas to read beacause I thought it was Room. Now that i’ve read the plot, I think I’m going t let it go.



22292480Ed Sheeran: A visual journey by Ed Sheeran (duh) and Philip Butah

In this book there are his early childhood experiences and various musical influences, with illustrations and pictures.
I mean I still like Ed Sheeran, he is great, his music amazing, but I think I’m going to let this book go.


How did I go?



Well these aren’t the best results, but I’m pretty proud of the 4 let gos 😂

How many books do you have on your TBR? Have you ever tried to delete some of them?

Thank you for reading,


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2 thoughts on “Down The TBR Hole #1

  1. Abi Reply

    Hi, I tagged you in the Guilty Reader Tag! (Here’s the link for the questions if you decide you want to do the tag:

    1. Arvenig Reply

      Thank you so much Abi for tagging me! <3

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