Tammy Ferebee interview + Giveaway

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14228854Hi everyone!26143921

Today I’m very lucky to be interviewing Tammy Ferebee. Tammy is an indie author and she’s written the book Outsiders.

Today this post is all dedicated to Tammy Ferebee a young author from USA that has recently released the book OUtsiders! buy it here

In this post you’ll find the interview, where you can find her and the book and a bookmark giveaway signed by her!


Arvenig: “Hi Tammy! Tell us a little about yourself and your background!”

Tammy: “My name is Tammy Ferebee, and I am the proud mother of two. I was born and raised in Maryland, and I’ve been writing since childhood. It started with poetry, and then slowly but surely, my love for writing short stories and novels took over. More than anything, I’d love to be able to support my family through my writing.”

A:”How old were you when you wrote your first poems?”

T: “I believe I was around seven years old. It was a poem about friendship.”

A: “How old are your kids, and what are their names?
T:”My daughter is eight and her name is Kayla. My son is four and his name is Kaden. They are my everything!”

A: “What does your family think of your writing? ”

T: “My kids are so excited to tell people that their mother is a writer. My daughter is so proud, she wants to be a writer as well!”

A: “Now, let’s talk about the book: you probably know that there’s a book that’s called “The outsiders” aren’t you afraid that the title might confuse people?”

T: “Yes, I am aware, and I actually really love the book The Outsiders. Many don’t realize that there are many other books titled the exact same thing. Even with so many other books titled Outsiders or The Outsiders, I don’t worry about people getting confused. I am confident that my book will shine as long as I continue to promote it the right way.”

A: “Are some elements of the story based on someone you know, or events in your own life?”

T: “No. Outsiders is fiction. I try to stay away from non-fiction, and I try not to throw pieces of my own life into my stories. One of the things I most enjoy about writing is creating something/ someone new.”

A: “You said that you are working on the sequel, how is it going (and can I ask you a tiny preview?)”

T: “The sequel is coming along great. I’m having so much fun writing it. I will probably offer a preview before the release, but I’m not quite ready to do that yet. :-)”

A: “Do you think your main character is unusual?”

T: “I think my main character is different from many other characters encountered in young adult fiction. For starters, she’s not human. She’s also an atheist which sets her apart from many.”

A: “Is there a message in your novel?”

T: “I try not to get too preachy with my writing, but I hope acceptance comes across to the readers. There are many different races in my novel, many don’t share the same beliefs, and there are actually bisexuals in the novel as well. These things are not what define these characters, and they’re accepted by their friends. I hope that comes across. I feel that we should all accept people for who they are.”

A: “What did you learn while writing your books?”

T: “I learned that taking risks makes for more enjoyable writing and reading experiences. I really stepped out of my comfort zone with my debut.”

A: “Do you ever get creeped out when you realize that the characters that you’ve created aren’t real?”

T: “I don’t get creeped out when I realize that my characters are not real, but I do find myself a little surprised by how real they feel to me. The more I write about them, the more I feel I know them. They become so important to me, and so unique. It’s crazy that they don’t really exist.”

A: “What book/books or author/authors have had a strong influence on you or your writing?” (you choose the options)

T: “Authors such as Eric Jerome Dickey, Alice Walker, Toni Morrison, and Stephen King have had strong influences on my writing. While none of our styles are exactly the same, they are all risk takers and phenomenal writers. Their passion can be felt through their unique stories and they have inspired me as a writer.”

A: “What do you think most characterizes your writing?”

T: “I have a very straightforward, easy-to-read style. I’m not really into the super descriptive, poetic style of writing. I like things simple and engaging.”

A: “How did you begin writing? Did you intend to become an author, or do you have a specific reason for writing the book? ”

T: “I’ve been writing since childhood. I have no idea why I picked up the pen, but I was never able to leave it alone after that very first poem. I’ve always enjoyed writing. I didn’t know it from the very start, but I did realize many years ago that writing was something I could never take a long break from. Publishing my first book was one of my greatest accomplishments. I’m meant to do this.”

A: “While you were writing, did you ever feel as if you were one of the characters?”

T: “No. I never felt as if I were one of the characters. I felt as if I were getting to know people I’d never want to forget.”

A: “Any last thoughts for our readers? ”

T: “Step out of your comfort zone at least once. Read a different type of book, meet different types of characters, etc. When it comes to me, always expect something different and unique. I am not a fan of following trends and playing it safe!”


 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TammyFerebee

Facebook:  https://facebook.com/Tammy-Ferebee-1030336110351033/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14228854.Tammy_Ferebee?from_search=true&search_version=service



Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Outsiders-Tammy-Ferebee-ebook/dp/B0159DHYQ0

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26143921-outsiders

Google Books: https://books.google.it/books/about/Outsiders.html?id=X8M2jgEACAAJ&redir_esc=y


Tammy gave me the opportunity to make this awesome giveaway!

bookmark2bookmark1The prize: an outsiders’ bookmark signed by her

Dates: from the 13th to the 20th of Dicember

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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2 thoughts on “Tammy Ferebee interview + Giveaway

  1. Lauren Robertson Reply

    I participate

  2. Alicia Reply

    I participate

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