Half-Blood Readalong! A (Re)Reading of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series by Rick Riordan

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Hi everyone!

I’m so excited to announce the Half-Blood Readalong, a readalong that is hosted by Alex @ A Geek With Books and myself.

If you didn’t figure it out yet by the name Half-Blood Readalong we will be reading the entirety of the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan. It will take place from the 4th of June to the 12th of August, and the dates of each book are as follows:



Hello! I write mainly about books, but sometimes I rant about completely random things.

The genre I read the most is fantasy, and while I don’t venture outside of that genre as much as I should, I do occasionally. My favorite books/series include More Than This by Patrick Ness, Percy Jackson (how fitting), the Half Bad Trilogy by Sally Green, and Looking for Alaska by John Green.

You can also find me elsewhere of the internet: Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, and Tumblr.

I asked Arvenig to create this readalong with me because it’s been an unreasonable amount of time since I read this series. The last time I read The Lightning Thief was mid-2012. Now it’s 2016. It’s time for a reread, and historically I’ve been terrible at rereading books, so I thought that reading with other people would be a good way to do it. Also, I’ve never hosted my own event, and I’ve been wanting to FOREVER.


Hi everyone!

I blog about books (reviews, interviews, etc.), things I make, events, and a bunch of other things.

My favorite genre is sci-fi and my favourite book is The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, I know that bookworms don’t usually have a favourite book, but this one changed my life. It got me into reading, so for me it’s a very special one…

On socials you can find me here: Pinterest, Twitter, Goodreads, Bloglovin, and Tumblr (one about my blog and one about books and pictures).

Alex asked me to make this readalong with them, and I accepted because I’ve wanted to read a Rick Riordan book for years. In fact, I’ve never read any of his books, but I saw the first Percy Jackson movie (another reason to read the book: I really didn’t like the film).



We will be hosting challenges on Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. There’ll be 20 in total, 10 on Twitter, 5 on Instagram, and 5 on Tumblr.

  • On Twitter there will be 10 challenges. On Sunday of the first week the photography contest will be announced that will be up for a week, and the winner will be chosen on the following Sunday. The other 5 will be trivia questions that will be announced on Friday at 12:00 PM EDT, the first to answer correctly will win one bookmark made by Alex!
  • On Tumblr there will be some photography contests with the book we will be reading; the contests will be announced the first Wednesdays (of the two weeks) and will be up until the second Wednesday when there will be announced the winner.
  • On Instagram there will be some photography contests with the book we will be reading; the challenges will be announced the first Thursdays (of the two weeks) and will be up until the second Thursday when there will be announced the winner.

Things to know

The prize for each challenge will be one bookmark made by me, but you can tell me what kind of thing you want. (like a specific god, character, etc.)

An example of a bookmark (but probably better because I put zero time into this I’m sorry and also physical ~Alex):


On every social to participate you need to use the hashtag #HalfBloodReadalong.

On Tumblr the winners will be announced by arvenigblog, and on Instagram they will be announced on Alex’s Instagram. Twitter winners will be announced by both of us. All challenges and winners will be announced at 12:00 PM EDT.

Winners will have to give us their addresses, so we’ll be able to ship the bookmarks to them.


We’ll giveaway a Percy Jackson themed goody bag to one winner.

  • The winner will be chosen randomly on Rafflecopter and the winner will have 48 hours to answer, or we’ll choose another reader.
  • To have more chances to win you’ll just need to complete as many tasks as you can, and people that join the Goodreads group will also get another chance.
  • Inside the bag there will be things by HappyHello&Co, NerdiNeeds, ColorfulGeekiness, ArtemisAccessories17, and more!
  • The giveaway will run from the 4th of June to the 12th of August.
  • The winner will be chosen on the same day, August 12th, and they will be emailed then.

“How can I participate?”

If you want to (re)read the Percy Jackson series along with us, you can join the Half-Blood Readalong’s Goodreads group (which is also linked in the sidebar), but it is not required to participate. You can also take part in the challenges on Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr (see Challenges section).

On every other Friday after we’ve finished each book, we will be hosting a Twitter chat using the hashtag #HalfBloodReadalong. You don’t have to be officially participating to take part in these, and feel free to join in any time! It would probably be best if you’ve read the books at least at some point, though, because spoilers are very possible. These Twitter chats will take place on the following Fridays: June 17th, July 1st, July 15th, July 29th, and August 12th.

We’ll be posting reviews of the books as well as other related posts throughout the summer, and if you want to post reviews/anything related, please tell me! I’d love to read it. 🙂


So are you going to join us?? Be sure to check the goodreads group!

Thanks for reading,


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2 thoughts on “Half-Blood Readalong! A (Re)Reading of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series by Rick Riordan

  1. Lauren @ Wonderless Reviews Reply

    Ah this looks like it’d be so much fun! I would love to take part, but I don’t know if I can fit in re-reads with my insane TBR I absolutely love the idea though! The PJO series is an all time favourite of mine.
    Lauren @ Wonderless Reviews recently posted…A Court of I’m Torn and Confused // Review: A Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses #1) by Sarah J. MaasMy Profile

    1. Arvenig Reply

      I hope so much that you will be able to join us!
      I’m so excited for it!!

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