Featuring Authors #2 + Giveaway & Interview

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Hi everyone!

Today is the second day of my new bi-weekly series (for now)! In this series I feature authors and to see the other authors I featured click here! To be featured contact me here!!

Today I’m going to feature Case Lane an author that has written three books: The Motion Clue (The Life Online Files Book 1) , Angle of Deception and  The Unbroken Line. In this post there will be a bio about the author and his last book, an interview and a giveaway!

Case LaneAbout Case Lane:
Case Lane is a global writer, traveler and observer to the future.  Educated in communications, political science, business, law and economics, she has lived and worked all over the world as a reporter, diplomat and digital media corporate executive. Building from her interests in international relations and technology, Case envisions a next century world where the essential battle is between the advancement of technology, and the instincts of our basic humanity.  In The Life Online series, the majority of people are non-technologists who have to learn to live and manage in a technology-controlled world that they do not understand.

The Unbroken Line – Description:
In The Unbroken Line, a promising new age of ongoing contact with the dead, turns into a terrifying military stand-off between the USA and Russia.  In the near future, the departed live on as virtual holograms interacting with humans every day through an omnipresent Network.  But when undetectable drones suddenly change the outcome of government policies, digital humans become suspects.  A global team of diplomats, Intelligence agents and rogue technologists must find the fault in the technology, and avert a war that could shatter the stable unity maintained in a world of online control.

Arvenig: Tell us a little about yourself and your background!
Case Lane: I’m a global citizen and a life-long learner who is curious about everything.  I was born in England, raised in Canada, live in the United States; and I have lived, worked or studied in The Philippines, Colombia, Chile, Mexico, Tanzania, and Singapore.  Formally I have earned post-secondary degrees in communications, political science, business, law and economics, but I am always looking to learn more.  As a writer, I am as excited by the research and exploration into new worlds as I am about seeing the story unfold.  I like to think about the meaning behind behavior and question what people claim to be the truth.  I feel it is important to understand facts or stories and always have your own well-informed opinion.

A: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
C: When I was in grade school I made up stories and people believed me, so I began to think of myself as a storyteller.  At the time I thought the only employment for writers was in journalism so I decided I would become a foreign correspondent.  Later I realized I could write books.

A: Is there a message in your book that you want readers to grasp?
C:Yes, I am writing about the future as we see the changes technology is making in our lives right now.  As we become more dependent on technology, we give up more than privacy; we also give up the advancement of our basic humanity because we stop thinking.  If we continue to complacently accept the technology decisions that are being designed for us by the tech industry or government, we will find that devices that should only be tools for our support, not crutches, are controlling us.  In the Life Online book series, the characters are living through the unintended consequences of the choices we have made.  When the technology starts to do things humans never expected, some people, the thinkers, realize that changes have to be made if we want to maintain the benefits of technology advancement but also keep progressing as human beings.

A: What are you working on at the moment?
C: I’m currently working on Book 3 in the Life Online technothriller book series.  The title is The Probable Cause.  In this story, an electronic jury verdict system may have inadvertently released the world’s most wanted criminal.  The Special Command Cyber Security team has to track him down before he uses The Network against them and causes even more damage and disruption in the world.


You could win an ebook copy of the book The Unbroken Line by Case Lane.

So what are you waiting for enter this giveaway and wait to find out if you’re the winner!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Thank you so much Case Lane for taking part in this post

and thanks for reading,


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