April wrap up

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Hi everyone!

This series contains my updates for the reading challenge and some general updates!


..I’m so late!!!


Posts: this month I haven’t posted regurarlyso there are just 3 posts…


  • The Quote of May
  • Some reviews and promos (this month will be about some authors so if you want some promo contact me) !


Special thanks (from the comments) to:

Things that happened:

  • Some authors contacted me so I’m going to do some posts for them!


April has been a realllly long month for me. What about you? Comment with a post where you/someone else posted about April (from books to experiences.. whatever you want ;)) !!

Thanks for reading and have a great May!,


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6 thoughts on “April wrap up

  1. Lauren @ Wonderless Reviews Reply

    Aw, thank you for the mention ♥

    Looking forward to seeing your author posts!

    Sorry April was a bit of long one for you. I hope May’s better 🙂
    Lauren @ Wonderless Reviews recently posted…Monthly Wrap Up: AprilMy Profile

    1. Arvenig Reply

      Thanks for being so active! There are many planned bu waiting to be written :D. Thanks! <3

  2. Jen @ The Bookavid Reply

    Lots of Rainbow Rowell books here, haha! I’m so sad that I didn’t manage to get my hands on a copy of Kindred Spirits :/

    1. Arvenig Reply

      I know 😀 I got thanks to a giveaway and I was so happy (in fact I read it ad I got it in the mail :))

  3. Olivia @ The Candid Cover Reply

    Awww!! Thank you so much for the mention! 🙂

    1. Arvenig Reply

      Thank you for the comment! <3

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